Vinyl guitar skin wrap kits by Brand O Guitar Company
Pin Ups
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48 custom pinup poses for your guitar or bass.

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Guitar Pin Ups

Guitar Pin Ups are self adhesive, laminated vinyl decals that can be applied to any musical instrument without altering the original finish.

Each image is a unique design created exclusively for Guitar Pin Ups by renowned guitar designer and artist Gino Gavoni.

There are 12 beautiful models each featuring 4 distinct poses, giving you a choice of 48 different images. 
With that many choices you can have a different Pin Up for each of your instruments and when you get tired of one, you can easily switch them around. Click here to check out the Pin Ups.

Brand O Guitar Company

Guitar Pin Ups by Brand O' Guitar Company 1413 Dolgner Pl. Sanford, Fl 32771
Tel: (407) 620-4229 | Fax: (321) 275-4211 | Toll Free: 1-888-649-1993

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guitar skin and wraps kits